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Inter-Cultural Intelligence Certifications
Personalized, Specialized, in-depth

The ICI (Inter-Cultural Intelligence) Certification is an intensive journey for equipping participants with the core methods and tools of the ICI development framework. Check out the introduction video below.

Get the power to empower others with Intercultural Agility

Get equipped to use the ICI framework to analyze teams, systems and environments, to bring clarity and solutions to intercultural challenges wrapped up in organizational systems, processes and policies. The Virtual Inter-Cultural Intelligence Journey is divided into two levels to accommodate your busy schedule. Level 1 equips you with the perception management toolbox and the Three Colors of Worldview Discovery tool.


The ICI framework was developed through 20 years of experience working alongside companies, organizations and individuals in multiple industries on five continents. It involves contextual analysis and observation, as well as practical strategies with a wide range of application for preventing and resolving intercultural tension and conflict.


The ICI framework gives participants a rich and deep language for understanding and shaping cultural environments, while taking the emotional sting out of difficult and loaded issues. You will be equipped to unlock these types of conversations and take people on a journey that results in tangible change.


Level 1 ICI Certification

Certified Level 1 ICI Practitioners are equipped with the skills to see the cultural worldviews at play beneath the surface and to help teams and organizations create a third cultural space for all to thrive.


The cohorts will be small and intimate, allowing us deep discussion. The journey is assembled and fully supported on the Promote learning platform.


Highlights of the program include: 


  • 6 Virtual Live Sessions (120 minutes per session) spread over 8 weeks

  • Fully supported with teach-back videos and assignments to be completed as part of the journey (up to 5 hours of pre and post work per session)

  • Digital Facilitator’s Kit (Handouts, PowerPoints, Videos, Case Studies and other essential information)

  • You will be equipped with all the tools and material you need to facilitate a successful Intercultural Agility workshop.



Investment for Level 1

 The investment for the Level 1 ICI Certification Journey is USD 1,900.00 per person including Facilitator Kit.

(Bundling, Academic, NGO and Group discounts may be applicable).


Contact us for details.

KnowledgeWorkx is recognized by SHRM to offer Professional Development Credits (PDCs) for SHRM-CP® or SHRM-SCP® recertification activities.

Certification dates
Register today for one of the upcoming cohorts and start your journey!

"Can I figure out the personal cultural preferences of the person in front of me?"


KnowledgeWorkx developed two powerful tools that comprise the core of the ICI framework. Our tools are developed with one purpose in mind: "Can I figure out the personal cultural preferences of the person in front of me?" We believe our globalized and interculturally complex world requires us to be equipped to figure out cultural behaviors and preferences at the personal level; in the moment! To accomplish this, we developed two powerful discovery tools:



Level 1: Perception Management and The Three Colors of Worldview


In this level you’ll be equipped to:

- Use the 5 perception management tools

- Deliver Three Colors of Worldview individual reports

- Develop the intercultural agility of groups using perception management and Three Colors of Worldview individual reports.


The Three Colors of Worldview© Discovery Tool gives a deeper understanding of your own and other people’s cultural drivers, motivators and demotivators. Your personal mix of cultural drivers is discovered through working with your Three Colors of Worldview Discovery Tool report followed by a process of facilitated reflection and application.

Investment:  USD 1900


Download the In-depth Introduction to the Level 1 Inter-Cultural Intelligence Virtual Certification Journey 







Level 2: The Cultural Mapping Inventory (CMi) Individual Report, 

The Three Colors of Worldview and The Cultural Mapping inventory

Group Reports


In this level you’ll be equipped to:

- Debrief the Cultural Mapping Inventory reports

- Integrate the CMi with the tools you learned in Level 1

- Deliver group facilitation using the Three Colors Group Report and CMi Group report


The CMi provides you with a detailed framework for illuminating behavior in 12 key areas from a cultural perspective. It can be used to analyze both individual and group dynamics through an online assessment and follow-up analysis. The 12 behavioral areas this tool assesses are the KnowledgeWorkx 12 Dimensions of Culture, compiled from our extensive research. These 12 dimensions capture a broad range of a person’s cultural preferences.

Investment : USD 1500



To get equipped to figure out cultural behaviors and preferences at the personal level in the moment:







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