Culture-o-metric assessments
Our Culture-o-metric tools are making culture personal. Although nationality, ethnicity or race are very important macro-identifiers, it is crucial to step back and answer the question: "What are my personal cultural preferences and how do they influence my thinking, speaking and acting?"​
This is what the "Three Colors of Worldview" discovery tool and the "Cultural Mapping inventory" are designed to do for individuals and teams alike!​
Our tools provide a neutral language that make it easier and less emotive to talk about cultural behavioral preferences. This results in deep insights, powerful conversations and practical ways to grow and develop Cultural Agility.​

Inter-Cultural Intelligence products
Our Inter-Cultural Intelligence framework consists of a powerful set of methods and tools which allow you to:
develop great intercultural teams
equip global leaders
manage intercultural stakeholders
bridge cultural communication gaps
develop global HR practices
globalize the DNA of your organization
successfully navigate the corporate and intercultural landscape of mergers and acquisitions
Three Colors of Worldview (3C) -Using the assessment report, during the debrief you will be introduced to the 3C framework and the drivers and motivators behind each worldview. They will focus on:
Self-Discovery through Personal Report: You will use the 3C to identify the deeper cultural drivers that influence their thinking, speaking and acting.
Creating Relational Success: The 3C will equip you with understanding of the cultural drivers of those they work with, and how can they adapt to have better relationships with everyone around them.
Using Litmus Test to Build Culture: The Intercultural Litmus Test ensure the way they speak and act honors everyone around them, does right by them and is empowering and life-giving.

Three Colors
of World View
Cultural Mapping inventory

Cultural Mapping inventory (CMi) – Using the assessment report, during the debrief you will be introduced to the 12 Dimensions of Culture and its impact on your cultural drivers. They will focus on:
Self-Discovery through Personal Report: You will use the 12 Dimensions of Culture to explain their own behavior from the cultural perspective.
Relational Success: Key dimensions will be used to help you understand the behavior of those around them, and adapt to ensure relational success
How to develop culturally agility as a team: Selected dimensions from the CMi Group Report will be used to answer, “Who are we as a group?” (internal group dynamics) and “How do we relate as a group to the world around us?” (external group dynamics).
GCI (Global Competencies Inventory) by Kozai Group &
IES (International Effectiveness Scale)
GCI (Global Competencies Inventory) by Kozai Group
Measure leadership competencies of managers and global leaders in areas essential to interacting and working effectively with people from different cultures.
The GCI examines three major areas:
Perception Management: How much inquisitiveness, tolerance for ambiguity, and non-judgmentalness does one bring to intercultural experiences
Relationship Management: How well does an individual develop and maintain effective relationships with people from other cultures
Self Management: How well does an individual manage the stresses associated with working in a culturally diverse environment
International Effectiveness Scale
The Kozai Group’s International Effectiveness Scale (IES) used in conjunction with KnowledgeWorkx Inter-Cultural Intelligence (ICI) Framework helps when someone is thrust into an environment where others’ cultural views are different from one’s own.
This instrument is used primarily by non-profit organizations, including government agencies and educational institutions for:
Pre-& post- measurements for changes in intercultural competencies (used in higher education for accreditation purposes)
Global management, human resource management, cross-cultural communication & diversity courses to increase student awareness & self-analysis for improvement
Intercultural competency needs assessment for training design or organizational diversity initiatives