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Dr. Shireen Chua of Third Culture Solutions Joins the KnowledgeWorkx Team

Updated: Mar 12

We are thrilled to announce that Dr. Shireen Chua is joining KnowledgeWorkx as a Global Partner.

Shireen has spent the past 34 years living and working in Aotearoa, New Zealand, but travels regularly to Asia to visit family in Singapore. Her experience moving between the East and the West led her to explore how culture influences working and personal relationships and the challenges and opportunities cultural diversity brings to teams and organizations.

The growing complexity in navigating our understanding of intercultural interactions led her to pursue further study. Her MBA included a research project focusing on “Culture Matters: How NZ Organisations Should Develop Intercultural Competency”. She has recently graduated with her PhD in Leadership and Organizational Development looking at “Making Sense of the Complexity of Cultural Diversity: Leadership’s Agency for Diversity Management”. She is in the process of turning the findings of her PhD into a tool to help leadership of organizations navigate unleashing their diverse organizations.

She brings varied expertise as a:

+ Certified Professional Coach (ACC) with the International Coaching Federation

+ Global Leadership Associate Coach

+ Enhanced Conversational Intelligence Coach

+ CQ Trainer (Advanced) with Cultural Intelligence

After managing several multicultural teams, coaching professionals relocating to Asia and Aotearoa, and seeing the growing diversity in New Zealand, she pioneered Third Culture Solutions. The firm offers organizational development solutions for leaders, teams, and organizations looking to thrive in today's multicultural world.

Welcome aboard, Shireen!

If you would like to work with Shireen, you can contact her here. She welcomes a conversation.


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