KnowledgeWorkx is a leading provider of Wiley assessment tools, and we are excited to work with the third generation of Everything DiSC®.
Wiley produces assessment and profile tools for both individuals and teams, notably Everything DiSC® and Team Dimensions. KnowledgeWorkx is a Wiley Partner, and uses these tools, among others, in its consulting, coaching, and certification programs. There are now six specialized Everything DiSC® reports available, and KnowledgeWorkx makes use of all of them: Everything DiSC Workplace, Sales, Team, Management, Work of Leader, and 363. The Wiley tools are great for assessing team strengths and interaction in terms of roles and inter-personal factors related to individual personality, priorities, decision-making, etc.
We are happy to announce that KnowledgeWorkx recently achieved the Sapphire Sales Level for Wiley products. This is a great achievement given the small size of our consulting and coaching team. This is partly down to the value that KnowledgeWorkx can bring to larger companies which may extend individual and team assessments to large parts of their workforces in consultation with KnowledgWorkx, following the certification of key managers or management teams. If you can, join us at our next DiSC Certification Event.
The Wiley tools are a crucial part of our consulting and coaching services, because they provide a solid framework for improving the functional effectiveness of a team. However, it is increasingly clear in today's complex and global world that there are other, existential issues that need to be addressed and fixed first, before the functional side can be improved.
KnowlegeWorkx uses a variety of assessment tools
The underlying issues are the cultural ones facing every multi-cultural or international team, and KnowledgeWorkx specializes in addressing these through what it calls Inter-Cultural Intelligence. Team misalignment most often occurs at a deeper level than team roles or even personality; it occurs because our personal cultures and worldviews clash with those whose personal cultures and worldviews are very different, and different in ways that we don't understand. We usually don't see these underlying issues when we clash with team members or experience misalignment, because it is so easy to assume that the "way we think" is the best or only way to think.
This is where ICI comes in. Uniquely, KnowledgeWorkx uses the Three Colors of Worldview and the 12 Dimensions of Culture, two tools which KnowledgeWorkx itself developed in order to address the growing need for ICI in global businesses and organizations.
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