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Knowledgeworkx's International Director Is Set to Speak at Step Conference 2013

Updated: Mar 26, 2021

The role of engagement-technology in handling the challenges of globalization and the complexities intercultural work environment.

The International Director of KnowledgeWorkx FZE, Mr Marco Blankenburgh, is set to speak at release of Spiderfrog's STEP Conference on the 30th of April, 2013. STEP Conferences focus on innovation in media and technology and combine the feel of an underground lounge with the energy of a Silicon Valley product launch. Held at The Fridge in Al Serkal Avenue, Ad & Digital Agency Directors, Marketing Directors, Developers, Designers, Tech Entrepreneurs, IT & Innovation Directors, and CRM & Brand Managers will explore, experience, and debate cutting edge global and regional trends.

With the theme of “Game-Changing Technologies for Forward Thinking Brands,” STEPers will discuss and experience brand engagement technologies such as multi-touch screens, digital signage, augmented reality and digital marketing platforms. Focusing on personalizing brand experience, this STEP Conference will be highly interactive. Smart phones are highly recommended, with Blippar sponsored ‘Blipp zones' providing an assortment of augmented reality activities.

Marco and Gavin Payne, regional head of technology at JWT; Neetan Chopra, divisional VP of IT strategy and architecture at Emirates Group; Yousef Tuquan, CEO of Flip Media; Major Steadman, head of Digital Arts Network; Heath Arensen, president and CEO of Tanasuk Technologies; Teodor Tanase, founding partner and chief strategist of SensyTouch have all confirmed to speak at the 2013 STEP conference. Being the International Director of KnowledgeWork, Marco will be speaking on handling the challenges related to globalization and the complexities of working in an intercultural environment.

Following an afternoon filled with enriching talks, enlivening debates, and interactive tech stations, is an after party in the evening that will feature the funky mo-funk of Jeremiah & The Lucky Strike.

The organizer Spiderfrogs, is a Dubai-based media and technology company whose creative, technical and strategic specialists deliver high value consumer and business engagements for local, regional, and global brands.

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