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The New Three Colors of Worldview Group Report

Updated: Feb 25, 2024

The personal and group learning journey that a facilitator walks a group through with the new Three Colors of Worldview Group Report

We are excited to announce the release of a new group report for our Three Colors of Worldview assessment.

The Three Colors of Worldview assessment is a tool that helps people understand their own and others' cultural worldview drivers. The new group report is shorter and simpler to use than the previous version with a much more focused impact on the team.

The new group report provides a summary of the results of the assessment for each individual in the group. It also includes a discussion of the implications of the results for the group as a whole and where their group falls on the Three Colors spectrum. The report is designed to help group members better understand each other and work more effectively together.

What's New?

Here are some of the key features the new group report includes:

  • Shorter and more digestible for workshop participants

  • Integrated coaching questions

  • Easier to use structure for workshop settings

  • It comes with a new facilitator-equipping guide to help understand the depth of research behind the tool. It gives facilitators a detailed description of the 4 Pillars of a High Performing Intercultural Team and looks at the phase after interpreting the group report.

The new group report is a valuable resource for groups looking to improve their intercultural communication and collaboration. If you are interested in learning more, please reach out.

How to Use the New Group Report

The new group report can be used in a variety of ways, depending on the needs of the group. Here are a few ideas:

  • Facilitators can use the report to start a discussion about the different worldviews present in the group.

  • Facilitators can help teams develop strategies for working effectively across cultures with both internal and external stakeholders.

  • Facilitators can help identify areas where teams can improve their communication and collaboration.

No matter how you choose to use it, the new Three Colors of Worldview group report is a valuable tool for helping teams better understand each other and work more effectively together. We hope you find the new Three Colors group report helpful!

If you are interested in viewing a sample report please reach out.


We find the Three Colors of Worldview to be a useful starting point when analyzing intercultural situations. They are easy to remember, and they provide an easy and flexible framework through which to understand what is going on in the world around you.

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