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The Pathway of an ICI Practitioner

Updated: Mar 26, 2021

Over the course of many years, Knowledgworkx has identified which steps along the way allow ICI practitioners to become successful.

To recap: Inter-Cultural Intelligence is a combination of cross cultural competencies, insights, behaviors, and attitudes that enables you to accurately assess intercultural situations, strengthen teams, and improve communication in multicultural environments. In the last article, we discussed the benefits of ICI Certification.

Step 1: ICI Certification

Certification is an intense four-day program that enables participants to personally experience the power of the inter-cultural intelligence.

People without intercultural experience come out of the course with an attitude that sets the foundation of successful intercultural interactions, and people with decades of intercultural experience come out of it with a new toolkit for assessing situations and developing inter-cultural intelligence in teams and organizations.

Step 2: Access the KW Knowledgebase

Practitioners leave the workshop with a facilitation kit that contains an enormous amount of information in the form of slideshows, handouts, research background, articles, and case studies applicable to a variety of fields and application areas. Our ethos is that by sharing generously we facilitate an ongoing relationship that benefits everyone.

Step 3: Apply Tools

Practitioners then adapt these resources to their specific scenario. They lead teams, coach others, develop workshops, create learning modules, and apply the principles in a myriad of other ways. Once they apply the tools with at least ten people and finish their certification they get access to an online library. That library is full of tools, methodologies, and research, and will soon include assessments and eLearning modules.

Step 4: Develop Your Niche

Once they start applying inter-cultural intelligence in their work, practitioners tend to carve out a niche for themselves. Some specialize in applying ICI in leadership, in teaming, or in corporate culture development. Others in contracting and negotiating, customer service and sales, or different HR disciplines.

Step 5: Collaborate on Difficult Problems

Practitioners invariably bump into questions when they bring the intercultural lens into their discipline, and often fire them off to the core KnowledgeWorkx team to dialogue through possible solutions. This is beneficial for everyone. KnowledgeWorkx learns a lot about the application of ICI through our associates, and it gives practitioners confidence to apply the tools, knowing that they have KnowledgeWorkx’s backup.

These practitioners make use of KnowledgeWorkx coming alongside them to develop even more ways of applying the intercultural lens to their discipline.

Step 6: Learn Together

This field of inter-cultural intelligence is too young to try and figure this all out on our own. All of our practitioners become part of developing a body of knowledge that is that is beneficial and transformational in the globally and interculturally complex world around us.

Join us in upcoming Certification Event



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