Unlocking Cultural Agility with Marco Blankenburgh presents Understanding Third Culture Kids with Chris O'Shaughnessy
Join Chris and Marco as they explore the gifts and challenges unique to Third Culture Kids and how those parallel the realities of our globalized world. With his characteristic wit and engaging storytelling, Chris brings the intuitive into the intellectual so that we can all benefit from a shared language around our experiences.
Christopher O'Shaughnessy is a speaker, comedian, and author who “gets to fly around and chat for a living.” He is a global expert on Third Culture Kids and speaks around the world about cross-cultural skills, Third Culture Kids, identity, belonging, and change management.
If you are interested in bringing some of these skills into your school you can see an array of available workshops offered by KnowledgeWorkx Education and Christopher O’Shaughnessy at www.knowledgeworkx.education
Learn more about Christopher O’ Shaughnessy at: chris-o.com
Listen to his humorous and insightful podcast “Diesel and Clooney Unpack the World” found at: chris-o.com/podcast
In this episode you will learn:
What is a Third Culture Kid?
What can we learn from TCKs about our global world?
How to take our intuitive experiences and make them useful by giving them language.
Listen to all the podcast episodes of Unlocking Cultural Agility here.
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